Friday, January 30, 2009

Wow, I didn't know I had a panorama setting on my camera...

A few things I forgot to mention:
Vienna is extremely expensive.
We didn't go into Mozart's House because the museum fares are pricy and we'd already been to two other museums that day. So, we found Mozart's House, took some picutres from the outside, visited the gift shop and called it good.
While wandering around, we came across this ice rink set up in one of the main squares. Actually, I should say ice rinks. There was one ice skating rink that was a path that wove around, and then several small square rinks. In the middle of everything were a bunch of food tents. It was a pretty cool set-up.

Here's some pictures of cool things:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What! No Lipizzaner pictures! You're making me cry. The arena looks just like in the movie though. I LOVE the pic of the sun through the arches - awesome! They should invent a 5K that you ice skate around those paths. I could do that.