Thursday, December 4, 2008

Sing it, Bing Crosby...

I've got some random pictures here...some of them are pre-Christmas here in Italy...the rest are just some pictures I thought I'd share.
Note: Apparently, they don't do advent wreaths in Italy. I asked my Italian professor about them, and she had no clue what I was talking about. So, I had to fashion my own wreath, using my "Martha Stewart" skills. It took me forever to find purple and pink candles; I don't even know where I was in Florence when I found some in a small "dollar store" type store. But now I have an advent wreath, and my RA is turning a blind eye to the burning of candles...candles...what candles?...I don't have any candles...

1 comment:

Mom said...

Your Advent wreath looks very nice but you are doing the candles WRONG. You are supposed to burn the same one each day, adding a new one each Sunday of Advent. Stop acting like your father. What's with the strange green shirt?? Your dad says you have on wayyyy to much make-up. Only 6 more days!